Our Impact

What do you do when you see small children without a mother or a father, trying to survive life in a remote village without access to much food or water, clothes, or an education? How do you move on indifferently after seeing these fear-gripped, innocent faces?  These orphans, without a mom or a dad, only know what life is like in an orphanage. Some were left at the orphanage, some were left at random locations in their infancy due to difficult choices their parents had to make.  Cramped in a small room with many others, with scarcely enough food for everyone, this is life for children in orphanages in Armenia. This is why the Passion Mission works so hard to help however and whoever we can. In the past two decades, Passion Mission has been reaching people in need. The calling of Passion Mission is to reach those in poverty who feel unseen and unloved.  Passion Mission does this by raising funds and partnering with trusted organizations to feed the poor and hungry around the world; and spreading hope by preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. 

How We Help

In 2020 alone, Passion Mission has sent over $40,000 in aid to Armenia. During the Arstakh war, which began in early Fall 2020, Passion Mission also provided  packages of medical supplies such as blood stoppers for hemorrhaging soldiers, warm winter coats, food in large quantities such as sacks of flour, corn, and other goods. To date, we have donated over one million U.S. Dollars to several causes throughout the world. We have sent shoes and produce to villages in Guatemala, sent financial aid to orphanages and rehab centers in Ukraine, Georgia, Armenia and the Republic of Artsakh, as well as monetary donations to needy communities in Africa and India.

Our Partners

Passion Mission works very closely with House on Rock Church in Armenia, TeenChallege Armenia, and One Family Mission. These organizations are the hands and feet of Passion Mission. Through contributions made to Passion Mission, we are able to funds these organizations in Armenia which help men and women live a sober and godly life; we are able to help the elderly receive free hospice care; we are able to fund orphanages to ensure children have enough food, clothing, and a proper education. We are able to do all of this by the grace of God, through the generous donations of many across the globe.

 "Carry each other’s burdens and so you will fulfill the law of Christ."